TrANsMIT proposes a COST Action on the techno-economic analysis (TEA) of the overall, integrated CO2 Capture, Utilisation, and Storage (CCUS) value chain. It aims to bring together academia, research institutes and industry into a cutting-edge, pan-European knowledge network. The Action advances the research frontier of CCUS TEA from partially unharmonized and disciplinary research to harmonized, holistic pan-European, coordinated research on the full CCUS system, facilitating development of the most technologically, economically and commercially feasible CCUS technologies and systems.
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It will be achieved by harmonizing and coordinating the methods and tools used for CCUS TEA in Europe, leveraging the knowledge created by our partners in national or international research projects. The project focuses most on holistic assessment of the CCUS chain, and on those areas where most development is needed (e.g. CO2 capture from air, CO2 utilization).
The created science will be an essential means to steer CCUS R&D and deployment in a direction that allows reaching climate targets on-time and in a cost-effective manner, while harnessing the competitiveness of European industry.
TrANsMIT will have a strong focus on knowledge sharing and career development, tackling existing disparities in knowledge distribution and career opportunities. It will foster strong collaboration between the more and the less research intensive countries in Europe, improving the access of the latter to State-of-the-Art science and new research projects.
It will put into leadership roles early-career researchers and minorities, helping to fast-track their career development. TrANsMIT will lead to top-tier techno-economic analysis of CCUS systems across European countries.